Laser-cut wood Billboard Frames
New line of high quality, historically accurate reproductions of period billboard frames. Each kit includes one laser-cut billboard frame and supports, a selection of four era appropriate signs and lampshades. Easy enough for a novice to build, assembly time per kit runs less than one hour (not including painting).
DECO (1920's-60's) N-#1429......$10.95 HO-#2429.....$12.95
The deco billboard with its rounded corners and fins represents the streamlined art deco look of the 1920's-30's. The deco billboard was popular from the 1920's-1960's with just a few surviving in rural areas and along old highways into the 1990's.
CITY BEAUTIFUL (1920's-50's) N-#1430.......$10.95 HO-#2430.....$12.95
Designed in response to early complaints of billboard visual clutter, in the early 1900's at a time when the city beautiful movement was sweeping the nation. This sign was not only the most ornate billboard used, but also the most expensive to build and maintain.
LATTICE (1900's-60's) N-#1431......$10.95 HO-#2431.....$12.95
Without a doubt the lattice was the most universal billboard style of it's day. This billboard was popular in both rural and urban areas. The lattice served as an effective decorative device and a means to hide all the supports present behind the billboard.
GRILL (1940's-60's) N-#1432......$10.95 HO-#2432.....$12.95
The grill billboard was an updated version of the more expensive to build and maintain deco style frame. This billboard was more popular in rural areas with a few surviving today on some of our older, less traveled highways.
click here for Laser-cut rooftop billboards
POLE (1950's-present) N-#1433......$10.95 HO-#2433.....$12.95
The pole billboard with its simplified structural framework of vertical treated wood poles is one of today's most popular adaptations of the billboard, especially in rural areas. Kit includes vintage horizontal grill (as shown) and modern vertical etched grill.
WALL (1930's-present) N-#1435......$10.95 HO-#2435.....$12.95
The wall billboard was developed for use in crowded urban areas where space is at a premium and was seen as a much needed improvement over simply pasting an ad on the side of a building. The wall billboard is still common today in urban areas.
PYLON (1960's-present) N-#1434.......$10.95 HO-#2434.....$12.95
This great looking Pylon Billboard is the most requested billboard kit we have ever offered. Our kit is based on the most common billboard style of today, especially in urban areas and along interstate highways. Kit may be built with center-mount or end-mount pylon as shown above. Includes one laser-cut billboard frame, four era appropriate signs and ladder. HO kit includes injection molded open-grate catwalk and handrails. N scale kit includes laser cut walkway and handrails. Use this billboard anywhere because it looks great from the back too!
This page updated September 9, 2024. Copyright 1998-2024. Blair Line LLC. All rights reserved.